Career Counseling

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Career Counseling

We’re a global stakeholder relations and consultancy.

Working with thousands of Overseas Student Visa.

The Overseas Student Career Counseling is a program that provides guidance to international students looking to apply for a visa. They provide services like career counseling, resume preparation and cover letter review, interview preparation and mock interviews.

We bring more than 24 years’ senior experience forging of collaborations across government.
Student Visa
Business Immigration Visa
Work Permit
Travel Visa
Call to ask any question +91 6309 871 333

10 Years of Experience

Student Support

We Support Our Students Helping in Documentation

Career counsellors help international students explore their options, prepare for interviews and understand the process of applying for a visa. They also help international students with their documentation, as well as devise strategies for finding internships or jobs for which they would be qualified.

Courses Selection

Getting Admission

Finance & Scholarship

Like What We Offer


We provide expert services to all our clients in fulfilling their dreams and guide them to achieve their goals.

Giving high-quality services in Education Visa, Travel Visa and Immigration Visa

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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