Student Visas

Student Visa

A student visa is a document that allows you to pursue a study program in a foreign country. Student visas are usually issued for short-term purposes, and you must have already been accepted to a university or educational institution to qualify for the visa.

To qualify Universities  student visa, your study program must meet the course requirements depending on whether you are a full-time or a part-time student. You must also provide evidence of language proficiency.

You can only work limited hours (usually 20 hours per week) in campus jobs.
You have to attend all your classes (unless there is an emergency).
If you have a scholarship, you have to maintain a specific GPA.
You cannot stay after your visa expires. You cannot apply for permanent residence under a student visa.


  • Cyber Heights, #202,Road no 2, Banjarahills, Hyderabad-34.
  • +91 6309871333
    +91 6309872333


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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